Having worked with a plethora of high-profile individuals, executives and entrepreneurs for over 20 years I understand that trust, privacy, discretion and confidentiality are paramount. As technology and A.I. advances so does the longing for genuine connection, which can only be achieved from working directly with a real person who offers empathy, sensitivity and care. I offer all of this and am a passionate solo business owner who invests wholly and holistically in a small, select, committed clientele.

While social media pressures us to lay bare every detail of our lives for opinion and judgment, it can offer a protective, disguise that hides the true depths of our intimate struggles.

The snippet we present to the world can often belie our inner turmoil and emotional burnout which can be entwined with deep rooted fears and feelings of failure, self-loathing, guilt, anger, trauma and shame.

Well-meaning supportive friends and family are not qualified to help in the complex nuanced areas of our relationships and wellbeing, nor do we often want to worry or burden them with our problems, and that’s where, as a therapist and coach, I come in.

If you are looking for a coach who values integrity, commitment and confidentiality combined with accessibility and an exclusive, unpretentious personal touch you’re in the right place. Read on to explore if you think we might be a good fit…

How can I help?


  • Dating and healing after a break-up, divorce, infidelity, abuse, or avoidance
  • Managing dysfunctional relationships, co-parenting with an abusive or narcissistic ex
  • Effective conflict resolution, clear communication and getting your needs met
  • Co-dependency recovery, healing, and nurturing self-love
  • Setting boundaries and navigating low contact or estrangement


  • Weight loss / diet obsession, body image issues, and perfectionism
  • Anxiety, stress relief, over thinking, sleep issues, inability to relax
  • Managing alcohol / drug intake, promiscuity, and other destructive behaviours
  • PTSD / Trauma healing, anger issues, grief management, and emotional resilience
  • Confidence building, self-love, letting go of  ‘people pleasing,’

Fears, Phobias, Addictions

  • Emotional eating, eating disorders, body dysmorphia
  • Performance anxiety, fear of failure, aging, dying, flying, rejection, etc
  • Addictions (not limited to) workaholism, surgery / fillers, shopping, social media
  • BFRBs (e.g. compulsive skin picking, hair pulling, lip licking, cheek / nail biting), OCD, ADHD
  • Binging / dependency on drugs, alcohol, sex, sugar, porn

Sexual Health

  • Endometriosis / Vaginismus / Anorgasmia / Fertility
  • Low/lost libido, involuntary celibacy, loss of desire
  • (Peri)Menopause symptom management anxiety, depression, hot flushes, lack of motivation
  • Sexual dysfunction / trauma, infidelity issues, sex / glamour industry support
  • Spicing up a lacklustre sex life, exploring kink, role play, fantasy, non-monogamy

This is only a small selection of issues I can help with. Drop me an email or book a call with me to explore if I can help you with your personal challenges.